The Little Things Matter

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Dear Mother,

What you are doing is valuable!

When you smile at your toddler as she wakes up from a nap. That is important.

The tickle you give your baby when changing her diaper. Valuable.

The hug you give your tired, cranky preschooler when he is stubborn and unreasonable. That matters.

When you laugh at a not-very-funny joke told by your 3 year-old. That is a big deal.

The connection you make with your older kids by reading a special story to them even though you are tired after the little kids’ bedtime. That is important.

When you validate your children’s ideas with a smile and a nod, and ask them to tell you more about their thoughts on a something (even if you don’t particularly care about the subject matter). That is worthwhile.

The tears that run down your face after a particularly difficult discipline session with a child. Precious to Jesus. 

The heart that brought the tears. Beautiful.

That you laugh at a mess and have the mess makers help clean up in a fun way instead of yelling and sending them away in shame. Heaven notices.

Looking into your child’s eyes and saying, “I’m so glad you’re in our family.” A huge deal.

Singing a made-up song to delight a child who wants to hear songs about horses and dinosaurs and food. Important.

Sticking out leading your kids in memorizing Scripture even though their attitudes are less than ideal because you know it will grow their spirits and be a giant blessing to them in the long run. Worthwhile.

Giving extra hugs and kisses at night. Valuable.

Bandaging up a kid who is big enough to get their own bandaid. Beneficial.

Listening to outrageous dreams. Fully worthwhile.

Encouraging siblings when they are loving on one another. Valuable.

Praying with them when they have bad dreams or hurt feelings. Valuable.

When you take them seriously even though they’re just little. Valuable.

When you delight in their laugh. Valuable.

The little things you’re doing as a mother, that you may not always take notice of, are some of the most valuable things in the universe. What you’re doing matters. You matter. Don’t believe the lie that there is more for you somewhere else, that doing more would increase your worth, or that motherhood is somewhere down very low on the list of choice possibilities for your life. You are doing a great work. Your greatness is pouring out, and all of the unseen world can see it. 

The love and depth of care you bring to your home and your family is unmatched and irreplaceable. YOU are irreplaceable.

Mothering is a valuable and necessary thing. I would venture to say that a lack of true mothers and fathers is the reason for the sad state of our world today. Bringing value back to the high calling of motherhood is mandatory for a thriving society. I want you to know that YOU, as a MOTHER, are valuable. Your bringing new life into the world, nurturing those little babies, nourishing them with your body, helping them sleep, cuddling them, pouring love into them, washing their faces, combing their hair, correcting them, bringing discipline into their lives, introducing them to Jesus through your care and teaching, listening to their ideas, blessing them by noticing things they like, smiling at them, laughing at their jokes, those things matter.

Start noticing the breath of heaven over you, the twinkling eye of the Lord’s delight, when you “airplane” some food into your baby’s mouth or make direct eye contact and smile at them. Pay attention to His nod of approval when you tenderly hold your child or stroke their hair or follow through on a consequence you warned a kid about. He sees you. He values you. You’re doing a great work.

In this world where success is measured in dollars and celebrity, it can be easy to discount the vast worth of the little things we do every day, and yet those may be the most important things of all. They are the tiny things that have great, mostly unseen, impact. So start valuing them. And you just might find that you begin to see motherhood as more valuable than you originally considered it to be. 

I’m reminded of the words of an old hymn:

Does the place you're called to labor

Seem so small and little known?

It is great if God is in it

For He'll not forsake His own

Little is much when God is in it!

Labor not for wealth or fame

There's a crown, and you can win it

If you go in Jesus' name

Kittie L. Suffield (1924), Public Domain

We are all growing and learning, but I guarantee you there are many things you are doing so well in your mothering. Pay attention to those. When we celebrate little wins, it creates momentum in our lives to make even bigger changes happen. As I’ve begun choosing to really notice these little things (many of which I am just doing naturally) and place value on them, I have seen my inner attitude change so much. I’m more satisfied, less frustrated. I feel the pleasure of the Lord over me, which in turn makes me approve of myself, which makes me a lot more fun to be around. It really takes the annoyance out of much of the mundane, when I’m hearing “this matters! This is important!” as I go along throughout my day. 

Notice the little ways you’re laboring in love, dear mother. There is a crown, and you’re winning it.

To listen to the podcast conversation about this, click here!


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